Not quite finished Townsville park painting and not quite happy. I feel it's a bit too "chocolate boxy" and lacks life. I've hit a bit of a stalemate with it. Actually though it looks better in the photograph than in reality. I'll have to do something with that branch on the left too as it leads your eye out of the painting. Might leave this one for a while and start something new.
The light is not much good for painting today as it's raining cats and dogs in the part of the country with reports of flooding and roads cut. Our pool has been running over for the last 24 hours into the drains and out onto the street. "Couch" the dog and "Puschka" the cat are not happy as they both like the outdoors and laying in the sun.
Yes I must agree it looks better on the Blog
Omigosh, are you kidding me? You are so talented! I would love to see more of your paintings. Golly! I love the water.
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