I've decided to take some painting lessons and feel that after just one lesson I am already moving ahead a little. This is my rendition of my header page of a sunset in my local area. Hope the teacher is happy with it when I go back later this week. I feel the lessons are just what I need to put me in the right frame to do a little more than I have been doing of late. I didn't make any New Years resolutions but as well as taking some painting lessons, I have joined a choir. We, the GD and I have also informed our families, that for about the 2nd time in our married life we will not be hosting Christmas this year as we have booked a cruise so that we can be waited on for a change. I think the children and their attachments have got the message that we are getting older and more stressed about taking care of everything at that time of year. We've already received offers that the following year they will do their bit. I think they all took it in tahe manner it was intended. It's been a busy health month what with "skin Scan", "breast scan", "lung capacity test" - thank God the colonoscopy wasn't due this month. Not really complaining - all these things halp keep us on this precious earth a little longer than we might have. I went to the funeral of a card playing friend this week. Seems like only yesterday she was having a good laugh during our 500 game just before Christmas and now she's gone. Even though she was quite a few years older than me it make one realize their vulnerability.
Ain't it a buggar gettin' old?
We're flying south in a couple of weeks for a happy celebration when my son and his partner tie the knot. We'll be pleased to have her as a welcome member to our family.
Thank goodness we have had a little relief from the heat and dry conditions with a couple of wet days, though some areas near by have had a little more than they wanted with some local flooding.
Well, back to the paintbrush - gotta keep this momentum goint.